Wednesday 9 March 2016



I.                   Tick the correct answer:-                   10 Q X 1/2 M=5 M
1.     Olfactory nerve cells
1.     nose               b)        eye                 c.  ear
2.     Photosynthesis
1.     green plants             b) mushrooms        c) non-green plants
3.     Cactus
1.     thorns                       b.  broad leaves                  c. small leaves
4.     Silk worn gives us
1.     wool               b.  silk                                    c. cotton
5.     Frog’s special body part
1.     tail                  b. legs                                    c. tongue
6.     Purest form of water
1.     rain water    b. sea water             c. river water
7.     Steam is
1.     solid state     b. liquid state                       c. gaseous state
8.     Symbols
1.     different things                   b. different places  c.  different people
9.      Money order
1.     money                       b. parcels                  c. letters
10.                         Sign language
1.     mobile                       b.  telegram             c. beating drums

II.                  True or False :              8QX1/2 M=4M
a.     Animals that eat flesh are called as Herbivores         (           )
b.     Lizard’s special body part is tail                          (           )
c.      Landmarks are special places or things in a map      (           )
d.     There are five main directions in map              (           )
e.     Radio and television are part of mass media              (           )
f.       Ice is the solid state of water                  (           )
g.     Creepers have weak stem and take support of a wall         (           )
h.     Braille is  a language for the Blind                      (           )

III.              Answer in one word                4Q x .5 M = 2 M
1.      Where can we find taste buds?

2.      Which insect is also called as farmer’s friend?

3.     Which colour is used to show forests?

4.     What are glued on the letters?

IV.              Fill in the blanks:                       10Q x 1 M= 10 M

1.     The light from an object enters the eye through the ____________
2.     The pigment present in all the green plants is _________________
3.     ____________ leaves are used to make oil.
4.      ____________ is a trick that animals use to blend with their surroundings.
5.     ____________ is an example of social insects.
6.     Many things melt in water and become part of it. This is called as ________
7.     ________ colour is used to show water bodies.
8.     From a ___________  phone we can send messages of words, pictures, music to others.
9.     __________ is the cheapest means of sending a written message.
10.                        _______________ takes the shape of its container, hence called a fluid.
V.                 Odd one out                 4Q x 1M= 4 M

1.     ear drum                  ear canal                   optician
2.     trees                           creepers                    climbers
3.     herbivore                 scavenger                 carnivore
4.     post card                  telegram                   inland letters

VI.              Question and Answers                       3Q x 3 M = 9 M
1.     How are telegrams sent?
2.     What are the three states of water?
3.     How is a butterfly born?

VII.           Identify the picture and name the activity:                      5Q x 1M= 5 M

VIII.         Re-arrange jumbled letters : 6Q x 1M= 6M

6.     RBAEIL

IX.                    Mark the directions in the map :           4Qx 1M= 4 M
X.                 Answer in short                                                4Q x2 M= 8M
1.     Amina and her father stored the rain water during the rainy season. They want to use it in the dry months. What is this process called?
2.     Sonu wanted to send a mail to his friend Monu. His mother told that they can send it. She asked if Monu has a mail id and computer with network connection. Sonu said that they had al those. What this type of mail called as
3.     Crow eats the insects and worms. Arun wanted to feed some seeds to the crow. It ate the seeds also. What type of animal is crow?
4.     Seema had a money plant. It need a some support. Seema twisted it around a stick. Seema did not understand why it needed a support. Can you name what type plant is it?

XI.              Match :    6Qx .5 M= 3M

1          soft green stem                               a.         tongue
2.        taste buds                                         b.        water cycle
3.        jumper                                              c.         parcel
4.        rain, river, steam                            d.        herbs
5.        picture of a place                           e.         grasshopper

6.        courier                                              f.         map

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