Wednesday 30 November 2016

Exercise: Suffixes class V ENGLISH

                                Exercise: Suffixes

Fill in the blanks with suitable suffixes given below:

-ness, -ful, -less, -able, -ly, -ary

Faith                                    break

Wonder                                joy

Beauty                                 use

 Happy                                    response

Comfort                                  punish

Wednesday 23 November 2016

                 CLASS V WORKSHEET for F A 3

Change the sentences as directed:
Anil comes home in the morning.   Simple past tense
Arun wrote the poem.                       Negative sentence
Suman will give me a pen.        Interrogative
Asha played the hockey match.  Simple present tense
Varun went to the village                       Negative sentence

Supply the suitable words:
She read a _________________ tale /tail on monkeys. (Homophones)
The police ________________ called /invited the friends. (Synonyms)
Write a descriptive paragraph on the following image:
black-and-white-village-mount-painter-chrisfold-chayera.jpg (900×473) 
file_332152.gif (350×453)black-and-white-village-mount-painter-chrisfold-chayera.jpg (900×473) 

adverbs - English grammar Class4

Maps and Directions -Reading Maps for Class3

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Class 3 EVS FA 3 Rev. worksheet

                                EVS WORKSHEET CLASS 3

Match the following:
Air                                        house boat
Water                                    has weight
Kashmir                                Pookalam
Flowers design                      Irrigation
True or False:
In India, it is a custom to draw rangoli at the entrance (      )
Madhubani paintings look beautiful (      )
Water is stored only in matkas (      )
Fluorine is added to clean water (     )
Waste bins:
Green bin                            Blue bin
5 things                                5 things
Question and answers:
Write any 5 uses of water.
What is water cycle? Explain with the picture.
What are water festivals?
What is air? What is air made of?
What is main source of water? 
What are the three states of water?