Saturday 11 May 2019

Class 3 Holiday HW

                                                  CLASS 3 HOLIDAY HW

Make models of clocks with movable hands with material of your choice, and you should be able to show the given time (by adjusting hands.)

Read Panchatantra stories. Write any one story of your choice on an A4 sheet. Draw related pictures.

Read any 4 Akbar Birbal storiesand paste pictures one each of any 4 characters and then write their names adding suitable objects that describe them.
                                                             Plant a tree and adopt it
1. Take seeds from kitchen waste (mango, lemon, papaya etc). Sow the seeds in the nearest vacant land. Water it regularly. Observe how it changes into a plant. Draw or paste pictures of your growing plant. Write at least 5 points about it on A4 size paper. 
2. Humans need food to grow. Likewise what do the plants need? Ask your parents.
3. Observe how these plants move and grow.
Money plant, grapes, bottle gourd, water melon, pumpkin.